The Company: Vetinova - Strategic Animal Health

Company founded in 2021, with the mission to "Provide excel service in Animal Health with a focus on preventive veterinary medicine, applied science, experience, innovation and method", has experience in animal health management and strategy in one of the the largest production companies of animal protein in Brazil. This experience is available to the poultry production market in Brazil and abroad.

Founding Partner: Ricardo Hummes Rauber

Veterinary Doctor and Master in Preventive Veterinary Medicine from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Specialist in Poultry Medicine from North Carolina State University (NCSU/USA), Doctor in Poultry Health with a focus on Salmonella and Mycotoxins from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and Post-Doctorate in Poultry Health at the Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR), has over 15 years of experience in Poultry Health.

As soon as he finished his master's degree, in January 2007, he joined the technical team of the Mycotoxicological Analysis Laboratory at UFSM (LAMIC) as Animal Research Manager. In July of the same year, in partnership with colleagues, he founded the company SAMITEC, specialized in mycotoxin analysis and animal testing, in which he was part, as partner and Technical Director, for the next 4 years.

In 2013, he joined BRF's corporate agricultural team, where he served as a Researcher and Specialist in Animal Health, being responsible for the research that led to the implementation of the antibiotic as growth-promoters free programs (AGP-Free) in the company, both in birds, as in swine. He also participated in the implementation of advanced salmonella control programs and in the updating of biosecurity programs in the poultry chain of - grandparents, breeders, hatcheries, finisher and slaughtering - of chickens and turkeys. Responsible for the health of broilers, for 1 year, he promoted important updates in the anticoccidial and vaccination programs. In 2019, he toke the responsibility of leading the company's Animal Health Department, as Corporate Animal Health Manager, a position he held until the founding of Vetinova - Strategic Animal Health.

Our Business: Animal Health Consulting

Vetinova provides Animal Health consultancy for your company, whether it is an animal production company or a supplier to the poultry industry.


Contact us to find out more about how we can be useful for your business, request a visit or a virtual meeting to present Vetinova's strategy in more detail.